Building the Bot

Before you begin

If you have all the required packages, you can skip this section.


You need to build 32-bit library, since Valve has dropped support for 64-bit HLDS.

Installing the Windows Packages

  • Install the latest version of Visual Studio from

  • Launch the Visual Studio Installer, select the required Visual Studio edition and install all necessary components for C/C++ development.

  • Install the latest version of Git for Windows from

  • Run the installer, and follow the installation instructions.

  • Install the latest version of Python from

  • Run the installer, and follow the installation instructions.

  • Install the Meson and Ninja using pip, by entering the following command in your cmd or powershell window pip install meson ninja.

  • You’re done!

Installing the Linux Packages

  • Install the latest version of GCC or Clang, by entering the following command in your terminal window sudo apt install gcc, or sudo apt install clang.

  • Install the latest version of Git, by entering the following command in your terminal window sudo apt install git.

  • Install the latest version of Python, by entering the following command in your terminal window sudo apt install python3.

  • Install the gcc-multilib and g++-multilib package, by entering the following command in your terminal window sudo apt install gcc-multilib g++-multilib.

  • Install the Meson and Ninja using pip, by entering the following command in your terminal window pip install meson ninja.

  • You’re done!

Building on Windows

  • Clone the YaPB repository, by entering the following command in your Visual Studio Developer PowerShell or Command Prompt window git clone --recursive

  • Enter to the YaPB project directory: cd yapb

  • Configure this project using Meson: meson setup build

  • Compile the DLL library: meson compile -C build

  • You’re done! The compiled library is located at build/yapb.dll

Building on Linux

  • Clone the YaPB repository, by entering the following command in your terminal window git clone --recursive

  • Enter to the YaPB project directory: cd yapb

  • Configure this project using Meson: meson setup build

  • Compile the .so library: meson compile -C build

  • You’re done! The compiled library is located at build/